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Restitution is about restoring something to its rightful owner.

Due to challenging and changing times, with all its modern social infrastructure, it seems many men have been stripped of their masculinity which was rightfully theirs, and has left them feeling…

• Discontent
• Misunderstood
• Emasculated

Unable to fully express their true masculinity, some men have developed issues around drink and drugs, or process addictions such as gambling, shopping, internet, relationships, gaming, sex and pornography, work, or exercise.
Invariably, they would also have developed issues around being unable to cope with stress and anxiety, having low self-esteem or self-worth, relationship difficulties, cultural or social issues, lacking an identity, not having a sense of belonging and lacking emotional intelligence; lacking boundaries and being unassertive.

All of which leaves men feeling disempowered.


With over 25 years in counselling, I’ve guided countless individuals to recovery.

My personal transformative journey began when I finally admitted I needed help. False pride had held me back, but humility set me free, when I reached out. I underwent 6 months intensive rehabilitation for my drug and alcohol addiction, and am now over 27 years clean and sober and consider my main strength as working with a deep passion and belief.

Since completing rehab, I have worked as a counsellor, assessor, group facilitator, trainer and manager serving those with addictions, mental health, and forensic psychiatry.

You may be aware that changing unwanted behaviour can be difficult at the best of times, but it’s not impossible. And although only you alone can do it, you can’t do it alone. And that’s where I step in…

Working primarily from the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) stance along with Transactional Analysis (TA), my own life experience, particularly around recovery gives me a unique perspective and a greater empathy with my clients. Coming from a non-judgemental approach, I give encouragement but also challenge clients along the way for developmental change and personal growth.

Remember. Only you alone can do it. But you can't do it alone…


Years of experience


Lives Changed







Areas of Work

Individual Counselling

I provide a safe and confidential space to talk, explore, learn, heal, and grow.
Through psychoeducational sessions, I can help you to understand areas of difficulty and develop resources to cope in the future. The benefits of counselling include insight, fulfilment, raised self-esteem and awareness, a positive outlook and improved relationship with oneself and others.
My main approach is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), but I also draw from other theories and practices such as 12 Step facilitation and Transactional Analysis.

Alcohol and drug addiction

Having actively used alcohol and drugs for over 15 years, I fully understand the predicament that addicts find themselves. There is a continuous inner struggle of wanting and needing a substance despite knowing the negative consequences.
Depending on the extent of substance misuse, some clients may be advised to seek a medically supervised detox. This will help break the physical dependency but then attention needs to be given in breaking the psychological dependency, which is often more challenging.

Process addiction

Addiction is most associated with drugs and alcohol, but it’s possible to be addicted to just about anything, including gambling, shopping, internet, relationships, gaming, sex and pornography, work, exercise and so forth.
Although all addictions have the capacity to induce a sense of hopelessness and feelings of failure, as well as shame and guilt, recovery is possible. Seeking professional, therapeutic help, alongside group-work whether self-help or clinical is probably the best way to go about it.
In my opinion, there is no one cause of addiction. Genetic or other biological factors may contribute to vulnerability to the condition, but many social, psychological, and environmental factors have a powerful influence on addictive behaviour, as well as one’s own self-worth. All of which needs to be examined for a successful recovery.

Stress and anxiety

Alongside depression, it’s widely reported that anxiety is the most common form of mental health disorder in the UK. One of the key components of anxiety is stress. This can come through a variety of forms, such as intimate relationships, family problems, financial or work stress, illnesses, bereavement, redundancy and the like.
However, stress is a natural part of life and how we cope with it, is the key to a happier life. Awareness and resilience are taught through CBT techniques and positive psychology.

Self Esteem

From my perspective, at the heart of most issues, is low self-esteem. This is what we truly think and feel about ourselves when no-one else is around. Ultimately, how we treat ourselves gives an unconscious green light for others to treat us likewise. Hence, when someone with dysfunctional core beliefs acts these out, they will get reinforced by others and thus perpetuate the cycle. However, the cycle can be broken through education, awareness, challenging and implementing new ideas and behaviours.


Relationships can be very rewarding but demand time and attention.  They can also be very challenging as we grapple with transferences and projections.  Unfortunately, some relationships can also be very abusive.

To engage in a healthy relationship, key skills need to be put in place, particularly assertiveness and boundaries.  Assertiveness will allow you to voice your concerns and opinions whilst boundaries will help distinguish what is negotiable and non-negotiable behaviour and keep you safe.

Anger Management

It seems to me, this particular emotion is the biggest culprit of relapses and further angst, in almost any given situation. When expressed appropriately, anger gives people fuel to fight or stand up for themselves and have their voice heard. However, most clients may not have been taught how to express their anger, and over time, developed unhealthy ways to express it. On one end of the spectrum is being passive, allowing others to dominate or coerce them, and on the other is being aggressive. This could mean verbally or physically and often goes to add fuel to the fire.
The most appropriate and effective way of dealing with one’s anger is by being assertive. That’s the ability to own and express one’s anger in a functional and positive way.

Cultural Identity

Two fundamental human needs (amongst others) are having a sense of identity and a sense of belonging. As we develop into a more diverse world community, these issues are coming rapidly to the forefront.
Some of the issues 2nd and 3rd generation Asians face is the ‘pull’ of both eastern and western cultures and finding their balance and sense of self between the two. This part of a person’s developmental needs to be negotiated with sensitivity and clarity for healthy growth.

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Simply put, EI is the ability to identify one’s feelings or emotions and then be able to appropriately express them. For good communication to exist, you must first be aware of your own process and what’s going on for you so that you may express yourself to the right person(s), to the right degree, in the right way at the right time and place.
If we assume the E in Emotion represents energy, then we’ll see it could read Energy in Motion. All energy needs to flow, and if it doesn’t it may become stuck, and then manifest itself in some kind of physical or psychological dis-ease; demotivation, lacking focus, depressed, irritable, feeling overwhelmed, feeling tired, weight gain, oversleeping, having sexual problems, heart problems, and the like.
All energy, especially emotions, needs to flow. And it needs to flow appropriately through placing boundaries and becoming assertive.






Avtar’s mixture of psychology and emotional nurturing helped me rebuild the confidence I had lost through years of self-abuse and provided me with the tools I needed to defend myself from destructive behaviours and temptations and get myself back on the road to a brighter future.
It was also good to talk to someone who came from the same culture as myself and really understood where I was coming from. I’m now recently married, have a full-time career, got my self-respect back and a future to look forward to.

RBFrontline project worker

For years I have tried overcoming my social anxiety but couldn’t. Here, I’m finding my answers and have started living my life fully. It’s not been an easy journey but I’m beginning to assert myself and lay down boundaries.
Avtar has been supportive throughout my journey, kept me focused and I’m now changing my belief about myself. And by changing my beliefs, my behaviour has begun changing and thankfully, I’m in a much better place!

PDFinancial advisor

I found it hard to stop using cocaine. I kept relapsing but with Avtar’s help, I really believe I’m on track. Together, we came up with a timetable for structure and routine whereby I’m focused on my goals. I’m attending CA, go to the gym, attend my 1:1’s, make time to rebuild family relationships, time for reflection, whilst working fulltime. I’m really in a happy, grounded place, and more importantly, I have hope for the future.


Avtar's been instrumental in my journey of self-improvement. Avtar's lessons are not just about recovery from addiction, they're about recovery from a troubled life through knowledge of self, the betterment of self and consequently society as a whole.


I came to see Avtar due to my gambling, but through our sessions, I decided to stop drinking and using cocaine too. I saw it was getting in my way of making good decisions. I’m now over a year clean and have also stopped gambling. I’ve rebuilt my relationships, especially with my wife, have another child, have moved house, and got myself a promotion. I know I put in the groundwork, but I doubt I would’ve been able to have done this on my own and needed the guidance and knowledge of another.

RCManager in financial services

Having had a recent bereavement, I was unable to cope, and my drinking got out of hand. There have been quite a few personal challenges for me over the last few years and really didn’t know how to manage. Having reached out and talk to someone in total confidence has really helped me come to terms with my situation. I feel I am much calmer now and am slowly getting used to being in the situation I find myself in.

EGWarehouse operative

I was having huge relationship difficulties. There was a lack of intimacy and connection. On top of that, there were arguments around money, the kids, our extended families, and I really began to wander if this was what I wanted.
I understand now that relationships require a lot more than I thought, and I’m prepared to put in the effort to make things work. Things are not exactly where I’d like them to be, but there has been a massive improvement. To help this, we’re also now engaging in couples’ counselling.

TMEstate agent






August 9, 2024

Acorns don’t grow in concrete

Key components of goal setting or behavioural change: Sure, you may have heard about setting SMART goals and other variations of setting goals.  However, in my experience, I have noted…
July 5, 2024

What’s the problem?

Often, men will present with general malaise as a problem.  There’s a sense of discontent which is accompanied by an uncertainty of where it originates or what can be done…






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or a 60 minute face to face session

Consultation Call


30 minute call
Face to Face Session (Zoom sessions available)


60 minute in person or virtual session






    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.