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Key components of goal setting or behavioural change:

Sure, you may have heard about setting SMART goals and other variations of setting goals.  However, in my experience, I have noted that although many people want to make changes, with the best intention, they often come up short.  Behavioural change is not easy, at the best of times, and I feel three key components (amongst many others) are absolutely necessary for it to happen.

The first is effort.  In times where instant gratification and quick fixes are actively promoted, it is easy for us to get rewards without putting in the effort first.  Why take time to save money when you can buy now and pay later?  Comfort and ease are primary drivers in the modern world but that comes at a cost.  It’s almost as if we’re losing the will to put the effort in. You want to shed a few pounds?  You’d like that new car?  Move to a bigger house?  You can have it, but you need to work hard for it.  No shortcuts.

The second is sacrifice.  What are you willing to forfeit to achieve your goal?  You may need to let go of unnecessary things that may be holding you back, and that includes relationships.  You may have to say no to certain things, and this may leave you feeling somewhat awkward, especially if you like pleasing others.  Again, in a world driven by our need for comfort and ease, it may seem counterintuitive to let go of things that bring us instant gratification, but it will serve us in the long term.  Are you ready to sacrifice certain foods?  Are you ready to sacrifice your social media?  Or delete all your online shopping apps?  Something must give.

All this is wrapped up in your attitude.  Your attitude (perception and approach) is going to be a culmination of your values, beliefs, life experiences and choice.  If you feel the proverbial glass is either half empty or half full, you know you’re right.  Stave away from right or wrong, instead ask yourself if this (behaviour, thought process, feeling etc) is helpful or unhelpful to you in your current circumstance and manoeuvre accordingly.

Oh, and there’s one other component.  Inclination.  Just how bad do you want that change in your life?  How much effort are you willing to put into achieving it?  What are you willing to sacrifice to ensure your goal is met?  Just how bad do you want it?


A useful tool to use is SMARTERS:


The goal needs to be as specific as possible.  This will allow us to aim for the bullseye and not just the dartboard.


This will track the progress (if any) being made and helps gather momentum.


Is it achievable?  Is it possible or are you sabotaging yourself and setting yourself up?


Why do you want this?  Is it for yourself or are you trying to please or placate others?

Time bound:

There needs to be a time frame to this to help us keep on track and be accountable.


How much effort are you willing to put in to achieving your goals?  Are you prepared to do the work required, and then some?


What resources do you have that will aid you in achieving your goals?  What qualities do you possess?  What life experience can you draw upon?


What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals?


You may wish to set your goal(s) in certain areas of your life:

Business, Career & Studies:

Is your career or studies where you want it to be by now?  Are you proud of what you do and feel respected?  Does your work reflect your core values and inspire you?

Finance & Wealth: Are you earning enough income to satisfy your current needs? Are you financial setup for future growth in wealth?

Health & Fitness: How physically healthy are you? Are you satisfied with your level of fitness? Are you satisfied with your diet?

Social & Friends: Are your friends supportive of you? Are you engaging friends and socialising to your satisfaction levels?

Family: Is your family supportive of you? Are you supportive of your family?

Love: Do you feel loved? How often are you expressing love to others?  Are you in a relationship?  How’s that going?

Recreation & Fun: Are you enjoying your life and making it fun? Are you satisfied with the level of activity that you do?

Contribution: How much are you giving back?  How would others rate your contribution to society or them as individuals?

Personal Growth: How focused are you on personal growth? Are you satisfied with your direction? Are you trying new experiences and seeking to learn?

Self-Esteem: Do you think of your abilities highly? Do you respect and love yourself? Do you appreciate yourself?

Spiritual: How connected are you to the inner and outer world? Are you satisfied with your relationship with your spiritual being?


Yes, it is important to focus on your goal but try ensuring your environment is conducive to your goal too.  An acorn doesn’t grow in concrete, but with enough sunlight,

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